Sign the Pledge

Sign the Pledge

I pledge to take action as an advocate for healthy relationships. I will believe survivors of relationship abuse, and amplify the voices of those who have been silenced.

I will actively work against oppression and commit to being part of the change needed to create a community that is safe and just for every person.

Me comprometo a actuar como defensor/a de relaciones saludables. Creeré en los sobrevivientes de abuso de relaciones y amplificaré las voces de aquellos que han sido silenciados.

Trabajaré activamente contra la opresión y me comprometeré a ser parte del cambio necesario para crear una comunidad que sea segura y justa para todos.

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Candace's Story

When people consider domestic violence (DV), they often think of the adult victim/survivor. But what about the children who have seen or experienced the abuse; the boys, girls and young adults who have been afraid in their own home? Candace, who worked as a therapist at Women Against Abuse, witnessed her mother being abused for many years, is choosing to share her story to shine a light on this little told aspect of DV. These are her words.

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Catherine’s Story

When I first met my abuser, I was just 14 years old and he was 20. I thought I was in love, so I ignored the disapproval of my mom and sister.

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Alyssa’s Story

Alyssa*, a person with a disability who uses a wheelchair, was living with her parents.

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La historia de Candace

Al pensar en la violencia doméstica, a menudo se piensa en una víctima/sobreviviente adulta. Pero ¿qué sucede con los niños, las niñas y las personas jóvenes adultas que han experimentado abuso o han sentido miedo en sus propios hogares? Candace, quien trabajó como terapeuta en Women Against Abuse, fue testigo de cómo abusaban a su madre durante años y elige contar su historia sobre este aspecto de la violencia doméstica del que poco se habla. A continuación, sus palabras.

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Amy's Story

“This is not OK; this is not who I will be; I will love my children; violence will not be allowed in my home.”

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Doreen Davis’ Story

Doreen Davis is a longtime supporter of Women Against Abuse who has used her expertise in traditional labor law to assist WAA for over two decades.

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Historia de Shakeda


Lonnie & Jordan’s Story

The life-saving work that Women Against Abuse achieves each day would not be possible without the support of advocates in the community.

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Dana’s Story

Former emergency safe haven resident Dana*, exuded intelligence and bright-spirits, and had worked hard for her credentials.

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Shakeda's Story

I was 5 years old when my mom got a new job as a manager at a local KFC. She met a gentleman there who was a suave, smooth kind of guy, rode a bike, didn’t care about authority, and was the opposite of my father. My mom fell hard for him.

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